
rhD.S. Red Haircrow is an award-winning writer, educator, psychologist and filmmaker who is of Native (Chiricahua Apache/Cherokee) and African American heritage, and whose first career was in law enforcement. They hold a Master’s in Native American Studies and a Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology.

Their research focuses include Autistic Spectrum Disorder, GLBTIIQ needs and suicide prevention, and inter-generational historic trauma of marginalized and minoritized groups. Current projects include a RPG educational adventure video game, continuing research on stigma and prejudice relating to psychological neurodivergence and conditions such as ASD, and the short documentary, ALMOST.

Member of Native Indigenous Studies Association (NAIS)American Psychological Association (APA), WHO Global Clinical Practice Network (WHO), and American Indian/Alaska Native Society of Psychologists (SIP), Red remains active in Native American and other intercultural education on culture, history, and current events on both sides of the Atlantic. Currently based in Berlin, Germany, through their multimedia consultation company, Flying With Red Haircrow Productions, Red explores and pursues opportunities for collaboration in education, film, art, music and more.


All photos and content on this website are copyright @2010-2023 to D.S. Red Haircrow. All rights reserved. Except where clearly indicated, unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this website’s author is strictly prohibited.