#Berlin “Port-side” from Bus & Train (#Photo #Blog Post)

Haven’t posted a photo entry in a while although Berlin becomes no less beautiful, no less ugly and I have a photo taking device. Usually, I’m too busy or just enjoy it in the moment as it passes by. Berlin has changed a lot, especially in the last few years (and since I first visited 13 years ago) but it still has a unique quality in that you can meet individuals who just want to live, find a way, be happy as they are, however they can and they’re glad to find others like themselves. Sometimes that really discounts Germans, i.e. insane bureaucracy, self-centeredness, appropriative, but there are some really lovely locals, too, that keeps the good faith going. These photos are nothing special, but all are copyright to me, of course. Please don’t use them without express permission, which isn’t a problem. Just write using the contact form if you’d like to. Give a reference and post a link back.DSC_2153

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