Help Fund a Good Cause: “Fly Little Sisters to Graduation” (created Feb.2)


Please consider helping fund a campaign by Noel Altaha, a 27 White Moutain Apache student at . Serving at the single parent of her young sisters since the age of 19, she is to be a first generation graduate from Columbia University in New York, and would love to have them see her make this monumental step.

“I’m Noel. I’m 27. I’m Native American from the White Mountain Apache Nation. I’m writing to ask for your help to raise flight and food money to fly my little sisters out to watch my Masters commencement in May 2016.

I am raising funds to cover the cost of flights and food for my two sisters and my two young nephews to fly from CO to NY.  As flight prices increase daily, I would like to raise the funds as soon as possible to avoid changes to my goal and budget.

I’m the eldest of my family and since 19, I’ve raised my two sisters on my own as a single parent. As a sister-turned-guardian, I’ve worked my tail off to provide the basics, food, shelter, education, and most of all love. Two  years ago, I had to temporarily depart from them. Amid the La Plata Mountains in CO, I ventured east to the City of New York to puruse my Masters in Science degree at Columbia University’s School of Social Work. It’s been an ongoing challenge being away from my sisters yet it’s also been a very rewarding experience and now the time has come. My graduation date is set for May 2016. “

You can read her full message at the GoFundMe website, as well as make a donation.